The Situation
Housing solutions and affordability is an issue that affects every corner of the country. However regional areas are overlooked.
The Problem
Regional areas experience the added pressures of being overlooked by both State and Federal funding housing affordability programs, that don’t meet the needs of the country’s many smaller cities and towns.
This gap is of growing concern as Central Queensland is facing a “perfect storm” that will see more and more families squeezed out of rental markets.
Current Situation In Queensland
Compounding matters is that forecasts for social and affordable housing demand is calculated using the housing register – as a consequence, many people and families are just not getting counted. If you’re homeless, chances are you’re not in the register. If you’re working but facing eviction, you’re not in the register.
This squeeze on housing supply means that no property in the region can be considered “affordable” any longer. Crisis accommodation – once only a temporary solution – has become medium- to long-term. Overcrowding with 3 to 4 families in a 1-family home is not uncommon.

1000+ people on the waiting list
High rates of homelessness
Low levels of affordable solutions
Low vacancy rates
High demand for housing
Seasonal employment
Emergency accommodation
The Solution
Our intent is to attract community and corporate investment into both the housing solutions and homelessness services across the housing continuum.
Social and Economic Benefits for the Region
Why Now?
We can see the “perfect storm” brewing — major infrastructure projects will provide a great source of employment but will place further pressure on housing affordability and availability. We need an injection of affordable housing projects to happen now. And we have projects ready to go.
Why Is This The Solution?
This complex issue demands a multi-pronged approach that is sustainable and well-supported by housing providers and the construction industry to ensure that projects are cost-efficient and that savings are returned to the right people – those providing homelessness services and community or affordable housing.
We also recognise that many homeless people in the region simply do not have a voice – we want to give them a voice and empower the community to do something about the escalating situation.
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