Safe Homes

Accommodation for people needing intensive support in a secure and safe location

Supported accommodation to provide a safe environment.

The Project

Aims to build new secure facilities for cohort of people experiencing extreme distress, hardship and vulnerability. A safe home might include providing a safe place for a family escaping domestic violence or access to housing for someone experiencing extreme emotional trauma.

The aim of Safe Home projects is to focus on those who cannot current live in a private rental home due to concerns for safety.

Detailed Floor Plan View

Click image to enlarge.

Social Impact of The Project

Project cost

$800,000 to $2.5m.

Investment type

Emergency Intervention.

Key outcomes

Creating homes that provide a safe place for vulnerable people to gather the resources needed to heal physically, mentally, and emotionally, to embark on a new life. The units have been purposefully designed to allow a safe physical environment that will support survivors in recovering from their traumatic experiences.

Social value

Circa $1,000,000 per person, per year.

Click image to enlarge.

Help us provide a safe environment for both women and children — Give today!