Our mission is to provide affordable safe shelter for all.

All Round Civil supporting our ARC20 Project

A very big Thank you to Peter and Kaylah Anderson from All-round Civil

All-Round civil are not just a great local civil company but they are All-Round great people that are supporting our community and people sleeping rough.

All-Round Civil has been supporting the Shelter collective over the last year providing material, labour and equipment that has seen driveways provided for all of the cottages. Today All-round civil’ s Founding Director Peter Anderson and Supervisor, Taylar Danials presented a $10,000 cheque to the Shelter collective towards the Mobile Outreach Bus Initiative (MOBI-1) and gifted a further $2,000k to have hand dryers installed in the MOBI-1 Ensuite trailer.

Linda, our tenant, now has a fully accessible driveway to her cottage.
